Archives for pixel

Playtest time! We have tested two important rule tweaks and they both seems to make the game flow smoother. yay

Tramadol Buy Online Europe Playtest time! We have tested two important rule tweaks and they both seems to make the game flow smoother. yay! :] #boardgame #boardgamegeek #boardgamedesign #gamedesign #boardgamedev #indiedev #letsmakeaboardgame #3dgame #3dboardgame #8bit #8bitstyle #16bit #colorful #miniatures #wargame #tabletopgame #pixel #3dpixel #voxel #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprints #3dprinter #3dprint

Test prints of some card designs. Still a lot of tweaking till the final design is completed but it’s a start Test prints of some card designs. Still a lot of tweaking till the final design is completed but it’s a start… #boardgame #boardgamegeek #boardgamedesign #letsmakeaboardgame #carddesign #playingcards #layout #graphics #type #typography #colorful #8bit #8bitstyle #pixel #pixelart #pixelgraphics

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Painting a set of air, water and power token! Of course you can also use different colors of filament to print them or just spray paint the blank token Painting a set of air, water and power token! Of course you can also use different colors of filament to print them or just spray paint the blank token. #boardgame #boardgamedesign #boardgamegeek #3dgame #boardgamecomponents #token #painting #elements #3dprints #3dprinting #3dprinted #pixelart #pixel #icons #voxel #8bit #nerd #geeky

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Little pink pingu is in a tight spot! But in the end he did defend himself like a boss Little pink pingu is in a tight spot! But in the end he did defend himself like a boss! :)) #boardgame #boardgameing #boardgamegeek #3dgame #3dimensional #minis #miniatures #figures #modular #gameboard #pixel #voxel #8bit #3dprinted #3dprints #3dprinting #3dprinter

Playtest time! My [Base Stone] is already under attack but my brave “Ice’n’Berg” (little pink pingu) is holding the lines

Purchase Tramadol Online Cod Playtest time! My [Base Stone] is already under attack but my brave “Ice’n’Berg” (little pink pingu) is holding the lines! :] #boardgame #tabletopgame #boardgamedesign #indieboardgame #indiedev #prototype #gamedev #letsmakeaboardgame #cardgame #3dprintgame #3dprinted #3dprint #3dprinting #3dprinter #3d #character #characterdesign #minis #miniatures #monster #creatures #battle #dice #elements #duell #pixel #pixelart #8bit
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