Archives for September 2014

100th pic! Tiny 3d-printed 8-bit style hearth tokens! We decided not to use LP’s as we think too much tokens are cluttering the board. But I’m still in love with these… will post a few painted ones later on #8-bit 100th pic! Tiny 3d-printed 8-bit style hearth tokens! We decided not to use LP’s as we think too much tokens are cluttering the board. But I’m still in love with these… will post a few painted ones later on. :] #boardgame #token #8bit #8-bit #digitalgoesanalog #3dprint #3dprinting #hearth #prototyping

Playtesting the heck out of it! Was great to thinkering on new game mechanics with the modular board. Love where we’re heading with this thingy so far

Playtesting the heck out of it! Was great to thinkering on new game mechanics with the modular board. Love where we’re heading with this thingy so far… :] #boardgame #boardgamegeek #playtest #analoggaming #wip #prototype #tabletop #3dgame